Mészáros Lilla Laura
Thinking is good! Over-thinking can end things before they ever get the chance to develop.

Mészáros Lilla Laura
Senior web developer
I have attended computer science classes at “Bábes Bólyai” University, from Kolozsvár. I started working as a web developer in 2010.
My name is Mészáros Lilla Laura and I can proudly say that I’m part of the CodeLinks team since the very beginning, since the company’s foundation in 2015.
I am working as a web developer since 2010, touching many interesting projects which became successful webpages, used by many.
My current ‘child’ is the https://picstars.com/ project, which became a complex, multi-level project, a combination of mobile applications and webpages. The main idea of the project is brilliant and is based on the advantages of the social media, which is an essential item of this century. Happily, picstars is becoming more and more acquainted and we get very good feedbacks on it.
In my free time I like to attend zumba and yoga classes, meeting friends, drinking good wines, sharing special moments with my family and to travel a lot.
How to reach us?
Office: 4029 Debrecen, Bercsényi Miklós street 91.
Phone: +36 20 368 1824
Email: info [at] codelinks.hu
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